Thursday, January 05, 2006

Cat Incident #1

I saw a story on MSN yesterday, where a cat dials 911, and is declared a hero. Funnily enough, a similar thing happened to me several years ago, when my cat, Mooca, dialled 999 from my flat. The difference being that Mooca wasn't so much a hero, as some other four-letter word. Anyway, I had a special request from my friend to blog the newspaper clipping, so here it is.

This clipping is from the Daily Mail (click for larger version). The Sun included a photo of me in their article, but I look like a complete dork, so I think I'll let Mooca take all the limelight.

I had another emergency services/cat related incident about three years ago, but I think I'll save that for another day..

1 comment:

angus said...

Errr.. well, actually, Mooca got a bit freaked out by all the visiting journalists and TV crews, and refused to pose for any more pictures after a while. So then I sprayed the phone with catnip which brought about this nuzzling performance. The phone was never quite the same again.